How and why we Beer Score?
You are probably aware of the Good Beer Guide, National CAMRA’s flagship publication which lists the best pubs in the UK. But what you may not know is how those pubs are selected to appear in the Guide. The answer is that it is largely via beer scores submitted by CAMRA members from all over the country. So if you are a CAMRA member you can send in beer scores. If you’ve ever wondered why your favourite pub isn’t in the Guide, this may well be because you, and others, haven’t entered scores rating the quality of beer there. By beer scoring, you can contribute to the process of selection of pubs that go in the Good Beer Guide. This Branch uses beer scores as the prime factor in determining the Good Beer Guide shortlist.
Please, please can I ask you use whatpub to score the beers in every pub, every time you visit even in pubs out of our branch area. If you have more than one different beer in a pub on a visit you can score them all.
If you have not done so before please try it

It is not difficult and you do not have to do it in the pub, you can note down the brewer, beer and score and enter the information later or the next day. is a website (not an app) so you can input beer scores from almost any device with an internet connection – you do not need a mobile phone to do so.
Submitting beer scores is about to become significantly more important. CAMRA is in the process of updating The new version has a changed layout, and it now shows pubs with a “three beer glass“ symbol that indicates how good the average beer scores are in that pub. This is a rolling average calculated regularly. If we as members do not score the beers in pubs we visit, then those pubs will not look as good as they might be
Beer scores give us data on how a pub performs all year round, not just on occasional visits. To be in the Good Beer Guide a pub must consistently sell beer in fine condition. We need to be able to justify our selections and have quantifiable data to do so.
Beer scores also allow us to get input from members visiting our area which provide unbiased views – you can do the same if you are in a pub in another branch area.
So please would you get in the habit of scoring all the beers you drink from now on.
Many CAMRA branches will simply not consider a pub for the GBG unless it has a minimum number of scores and members of other branches submit many more scores than we do – so please help us change that.
Our social secretary plans to arrange campaigning visits to outlying pubs so members can score the beers to help ensure that these pubs do not miss out.